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Jennifer Mabe


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Screenshot of DTPC Redesign

Non-profit Website Redesign

This group project was to redesign the website for a non-profit organization of our choosing. We found the Desert Tortoise Preserve Committee to have a website with good bones but in definite need of an updated look. We are not affiliated with DTPC in any way.

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Image Introducing Bee Friendly Website

Bee Friendly Website

This group project was to choose a cause and then design a website or an app to address the cause. Our group chose the plight of the bees, we developed our own fictional charitable organization then designed and programmed a website for it.

Screenshot of Redesign Website Redesign

This individual project was to redesign a .gov website. I chose the Department of energy because I felt like their existing website was built mainly for mobile viewing and had room for improvement when viewed on a desktop computer.

Screenshot of Style Board for Group Travel App

Group Travel App Design

This individual project was to design a travel app. The focus was on user research and wire framing with a dash of styling. I choose to design a travel app to accommodate people traveling in larger groups where there is much confusion in planning due to so many people to accommodate.

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About Me!

Hello, I am Jennifer and I am currently looking for a career as a web developer and UX/UI designer. I have a BA in Cultural Anthropology, an AA in History, and a certificate in UX/UI design. My background in anthropology is a definite asset when it comes to user research and my love of solving puzzles is an asset in writing code. In my spare time I dabble in genealogy and spend time with my husband and our 3 cats and 1 dog.

Contact Me! | 714-322-7892